Movies like Moose Hunters to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation movie Moose Hunters with Clarence Nash, Pinto Colvig & Walt Disney & created by Ben Sharpsteen?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Moose Hunters?
Goofy (front) and Donald (rear) are dressed in a moose suit, trying to lure moose for hunter Mickey. When they do find one, it turns out to be more than they can handle.
Its release date is Saturday February 20, 1937
Its release date is Saturday February 20, 1937
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Donald Duck, Goofy, Hunting Popular Culture, Mickey Mouse, Moose Hunting & Short |
Genre | Animation |
Country | The United States |
Director | Ben Sharpsteen |
Starring | Clarence Nash, Pinto Colvig & Walt Disney |
Written by | N/A |
Runtime | 8 min |