Movies like Mowa ptaków to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Mowa ptaków with ?

Movies like Mowa ptaków with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mowa ptaków?

Based on a script by Andrzej Żuławski, this is a fascinating on-screen dialogue between father and son that combines nostalgia and fury, the sublime with humor, and old-school style with a sharp, penetrating look at Polish reality. The eponymous bird talk is the language used by those excluded from the aggressive majority: a history teacher tormented by children, a teacher of Polish studies fired from his job, a girl who cleans a banker’s villa, a florist with a club foot and a student with a fascination for cinema. Pushed to the margins by the extreme right, they defend themselves with irony, songs and quotes from the classics.
Its release date is Thursday August 1, 2019

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