Movies like Mr. Holmes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Mystery movie Mr. Holmes with Hattie Morahan, Ian McKellen, Laura Linney & Milo Parker & created by Bill Condon?

Movies like Mr. Holmes with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mr. Holmes?

An aged, retired Sherlock Holmes deals with early dementia, as he tries to remember his final case, and a mysterious woman, whose memory haunts him. He also befriends a fan, the young son of his housekeeper, who wants him to work again.

TAGLINE: "The man behind the myth."

Its release date is Friday June 19, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Allergy, Detective, London England, Memory, Old Age & Sherlock Holmes
Genre Drama & Mystery
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Bill Condon
Starring Hattie Morahan, Ian McKellen, Laura Linney & Milo Parker
Place England, Japan & Sussex
Time 1947
Location England
Written by Arthur Conan Doyle (created by), Jeffrey Hatcher (screenplay) & Mitch Cullin (novel)
Cinematography Tobias A. Schliessler
Music Carter Burwell
Runtime 104 min

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Gods and Monsters
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Dreamgirls | Dec 25th, 2006

6.5/10 | By Bill Condon
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Kinsey | Sep 4th, 2004

7.1/10 | By Bill Condon
Germany & The United States | Drama
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