Movies like Mr. Nice Guy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie Mr. Nice Guy with Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Jackie Chan, Miki Lee & Richard Norton & created by Sammo Kam-Bo Hung?

Movies like Mr. Nice Guy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mr. Nice Guy?

A Chinese chef accidentally gets involved with a news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape.

TAGLINE: "Fight first. Apologize later."

Its release date is Friday January 31, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cook, Drug Dealer, Journalist, Martial arts & Organised Crime Australia
Genre Action, Comedy & Crime
Country Hong Kong
Director Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
Starring Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Jackie Chan, Miki Lee & Richard Norton
Place Melbourne
Written by Edward Tang (screenplay) & Fibe Ma (screenplay)
Cinematography Raymond Lam
Music Peter Kam
Runtime 88 min

Other Action movies by Sammo Kam-Bo Hung

Winners & Sinners | Jan 1st, 1983

Winners & Sinners
6.8/10 | By Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
Hong Kong | Action, Adventure & Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Wheels on Meals | Aug 17th, 1984

Wheels on Meals
7.3/10 | By Sammo Kam-Bo Hung
Hong Kong & Spain | Action, Comedy & Romance
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes

Other Action movies written by Edward Tang (screenplay)

Armour of God | Aug 16th, 1986

Armour of God
7.1/10 | By Eric Tsang & Jackie Chan
Croatia & Hong Kong | Action, Adventure & Comedy
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video