Movies like Muse: Simulation Theory to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Music movie Muse: Simulation Theory with Chris Wolstenholme, Dominic Howard & Matthew Bellamy & created by Lance Drake?

Movies like Muse: Simulation Theory with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Muse: Simulation Theory?

Conceived and filmed at London's O2 Arena in September 2019 the film follows a team of scientists as they investigate the source of a paranormal anomaly appearing around the world. Blurring...

TAGLINE: "We are caged in a simulation"

Its release date is Monday August 17, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Break The Simulation, Concert, Music, Rock Group, Rock Music, Science Fiction & Simulation
Genre Music
Country United Kingdom
Director Lance Drake
Starring Chris Wolstenholme, Dominic Howard & Matthew Bellamy
Written by N/A
Runtime 90 min

Other Music movies written by N/A

Led Zeppelin | May 26th, 2003

Led Zeppelin
9.2/10 | By Dick Carruthers & Jimmy Page
United Kingdom | Music
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