Movies like Mutant Swinger From Mars to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Family & Fantasy movie Mutant Swinger From Mars with Biff Anderson, Dorothy Atabong, Rhonda Belcher & Rolfe D. Bergsman & created by Michael Kallio?

Movies like Mutant Swinger From Mars with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mutant Swinger From Mars?

A "long lost sci-fi film" from the 50's, finally, has been recovered! Martians form Mars come to Earth for it's most valuable resource,.. women! It's up to Rusty Rave to stop them.

TAGLINE: "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll burn stuff!"

Its release date is Sunday March 16, 2003

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Topic Extraterrestrial Life & Extraterrestrial Life Popular Culture
Genre Comedy, Family & Fantasy
Director Michael Kallio
Starring Biff Anderson, Dorothy Atabong, Rhonda Belcher & Rolfe D. Bergsman
Written by Michael Kallio
Runtime 85 min