Movies like My Friend’s Nice Mother to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie My Friend’s Nice Mother with Lee Chae-dam & created by Marc Meyers?

Movies like My Friend’s Nice Mother with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of My Friend’s Nice Mother?

Twenty-year-old Soon-jae has a young mother named Ji-yoon that's like a sister to him. Right next door live a mother and son the same age as them; Ji-yoon's friend Yeong-joo and her twenty-year-old son Jae-yeong. The sons fall for each others' mothers.
Its release date is Thursday July 20, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Jeffrey Dahmer, Missing People & Pornography
Country South Korea
Director Marc Meyers
Starring Lee Chae-dam
Place Los Angeles
Time 1970s, 1977 & 1980s
Location Atlanta, Los Angeles & Ohio
Cinematography Daniel Katz & Philippe Rousselot
Music * & Andrew Hollander