Movies like My Friend’s Nice Mother to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie My Friend’s Nice Mother with Lee Chae-dam & created by Marc Meyers?
Movies like My Friend’s Nice Mother with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of My Friend’s Nice Mother?
Twenty-year-old Soon-jae has a young mother named Ji-yoon that's like a sister to him. Right next door live a mother and son the same age as them; Ji-yoon's friend Yeong-joo and her twenty-year-old son Jae-yeong. The sons fall for each others' mothers.
Its release date is Thursday July 20, 2017
Its release date is Thursday July 20, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Jeffrey Dahmer, Missing People & Pornography |
Country | South Korea |
Director | Marc Meyers |
Starring | Lee Chae-dam |
Place | Los Angeles |
Time | 1970s, 1977 & 1980s |
Location | Atlanta, Los Angeles & Ohio |
Cinematography | Daniel Katz & Philippe Rousselot |
Music | * & Andrew Hollander |