Movies like My Life to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie My Life with Bradley Whitford, Michael Keaton, Nicole Kidman & Queen Latifah & created by Bruce Joel Rubin & Isabel Coixet?

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A young woman conceals the fact of her terminal cancer to live her life with a passion she never had before.

TAGLINE: "Every moment counts."

Its release date is Friday November 12, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Baby, Cancer, Death & Grieving, Expectant Mother, Independent Film, Proms & Reconciliation
Genre Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Bruce Joel Rubin & Isabel Coixet
Starring Bradley Whitford, Michael Keaton, Nicole Kidman & Queen Latifah
Place Los Angeles
Location Vancouver
Written by Bruce Joel Rubin, Isabel Coixet & Nanci Kincaid (book)
Cinematography Jean Claude Larrieu (cinematographer), Mac Ahlberg & Peter James (cinematographer)
Music Alfonso Vilallonga, Harry Manfredini & John Barry (composer)
Runtime 106 min

Other Drama movies written by Bruce Joel Rubin

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