Movies like My Life in Ruins to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie My Life in Ruins with Alexis Georgoulis, Alistair McGowan, Nia Vardalos & Richard Dreyfuss & created by Donald Petrie?

Movies like My Life in Ruins with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of My Life in Ruins?

A travel guide rediscovers her romantic side on a trip around Greece.

TAGLINE: "The most fun you can have without a passport."

Its release date is Friday February 6, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Beach, Greece, Hospital, Tour Bus, Tour Guide & Viagra
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country Greece & The United States
Director Donald Petrie
Starring Alexis Georgoulis, Alistair McGowan, Nia Vardalos & Richard Dreyfuss
Place Greece
Location Greece
Written by Mike Reiss
Cinematography Jose Luis Alcaine
Music David Mullen (singer)
Runtime 95 min

Other Comedy movies by Donald Petrie

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Just My Luck
5.4/10 | By Donald Petrie
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Mystic Pizza | Oct 13th, 1988

Mystic Pizza
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Miss Congeniality | Jul 16th, 1988

Miss Congeniality
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