Movies like My Stepmother is an Alien to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Science Fiction movie My Stepmother is an Alien with Alyson Hannigan, Dan Aykroyd, Jon Lovitz & Kim Basinger & created by Richard Benjamin?

Movies like My Stepmother is an Alien with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of My Stepmother is an Alien?

A creature from another planet tries to seduce a shy Earth physicist to gain control over his researches. The result of this important mission much exceeded her expectations.

TAGLINE: "Man's closest encounter."

Its release date is Friday December 9, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien, Extraterrestrial Life, Families, Levitation, Message, Remarriage, Scientists, Sneeze, Spoof & Widowhood
Genre Comedy & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Richard Benjamin
Starring Alyson Hannigan, Dan Aykroyd, Jon Lovitz & Kim Basinger
Written by Herschel Weingrod, Jerico Stone, Jonathan Reynolds & Timothy Harris
Runtime 105 min

Other Comedy movies by Richard Benjamin

City Heat | Dec 5th, 1984

City Heat
5.5/10 | By Richard Benjamin
The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
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Milk Money | Aug 31st, 1994

Milk Money
5.5/10 | By Richard Benjamin
The United States | Comedy & Romance
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Mermaids | Dec 14th, 1990

6.6/10 | By Richard Benjamin
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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Other Comedy movies written by Herschel Weingrod

Kindergarten Cop 2 | Jun 1st, 2016

Kindergarten Cop 2
4.4/10 | By Don Michael Paul
United States of America | Action & Comedy
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Space Jam | Nov 15th, 1996

Space Jam
6.3/10 | By Joe Pytka
The United States | Animation, Comedy, Drama & Family
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Twins | Dec 9th, 1988

6.0/10 | By Ivan Reitman
The United States | Comedy
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