Movies like Naan Mahaan Alla to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Naan Mahaan Alla with M. N. Nambiar, Radha, Rajinikanth & V. K. Ramasamy?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Naan Mahaan Alla?

Viswanath (Rajnikanth), a famous lawyer, stays with his widowed mother (Vijayakumari) and physically handicapped sister (Uma). He sends Jegan, a rich magnate's son (Sathyaraj) and Lokaiya, two criminals to jail on the charge of rape and murder of an innocent girl. Jagan’s father, GMK (M N Nambiar) uses his influence and starts creating trouble in Viswanath’s life. GMK succeeds in getting Viswanath imprisoned on a trumped up charge. His heartbroken mother dies. Once out of jail, Viswanath sets out to punish the culprits when he temporarily loses his eyesight.
Its release date is Saturday January 14, 1984

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Starring M. N. Nambiar, Radha, Rajinikanth & V. K. Ramasamy