Movies like Naanum Single Thaan to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Naanum Single Thaan with Deepti Sati, Dinesh Ravi, Manobala & Rajendran & created by R. Gopi?

Movies like Naanum Single Thaan with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Naanum Single Thaan?

Uday meets an ambitious and independent girl named Shweta and ends up falling in love with her. After she refuses to date him he sought advice from a love guru.

TAGLINE: "90's Kid, 100% Virgin"

Its release date is Friday February 12, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Director R. Gopi
Starring Deepti Sati, Dinesh Ravi, Manobala & Rajendran
Location Chennai & London
Written by R. Gopi
Runtime 120 min