Movies like National Lampoon’s Van Wilder to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie National Lampoon’s Van Wilder with Kal Penn, Ryan Reynolds, Tara Reid & Tim Matheson & created by Walt Becker?

Movies like National Lampoon’s Van Wilder with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of National Lampoon’s Van Wilder?

The most popular kid on campus meets a beautiful journalist who makes him realize that maybe he's afraid to graduate.

TAGLINE: "Don't Graduate. Celebrate."

Its release date is Friday March 29, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bon Bon, College, Doggystyle, Exposé, Flirting, Fraternities Sororities, Locker Room, Pug & Sex
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country United States of America
Director Walt Becker
Starring Kal Penn, Ryan Reynolds, Tara Reid & Tim Matheson
Location Los Angeles & Vancouver
Written by Brent Goldberg & David Wagner
Cinematography James Bagdonas
Music David Lawrence (musician)
Runtime 92 min

Other Comedy movies by Walt Becker

Wild Hogs | Mar 2nd, 2007

Wild Hogs
5.8/10 | By Walt Becker
United States of America | Action, Adventure & Comedy
Amazon Video HBO GO Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Other Comedy movies written by Brent Goldberg

Van Wilder | Dec 1st, 2006

Van Wilder
4.8/10 | By Mort Nathan & Walt Becker
The United States | Comedy & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation Showtime