Movies like No Retreat, No Surrender to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie No Retreat, No Surrender with J.W. Fails, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Kathie Sileno & Kurt McKinney & created by Corey Yuen?

Movies like No Retreat, No Surrender with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of No Retreat, No Surrender?

Jason, a Bruce Lee fan, sees his karate instructor/dad beaten by martial art thugs. They move to Seattle where, after humiliations, he trains with Bruce Lee's ghost so he can defend himself and others against thugs.

TAGLINE: "Tonight, He either fights for his life or he'll be running for the rest of it."

Its release date is Friday May 2, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cult Film, Ghost, Hoodlum, Karate, Showdown & Training
Genre Action
Country Hong Kong
Director Corey Yuen
Starring J.W. Fails, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Kathie Sileno & Kurt McKinney
Place Los Angeles, Nevada & Seattle
Location California & Washington (state)
Written by Corey Yuen (original story), Keith W. Strandberg (screenplay) & See-Yuen Ng (original story)
Runtime 85 min

Other Action movies by Corey Yuen

The Transporter | Oct 2nd, 2002

The Transporter
6.8/10 | By Corey Yuen, Louis Leterrier & Louis Leterrier, Corey Yuen
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The Twins Effect II | Aug 12th, 2004

The Twins Effect II
4.9/10 | By Corey Yuen & Patrick Leung
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The Legend II | Jul 30th, 1993

The Legend II
7.1/10 | By Corey Yuen
Hong Kong | Action, Adventure & Comedy
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