Movies like Nothing to Declare to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Nothing to Declare with Benoît Poelvoorde, Christel Pedrinelli, Dany Boon & Julie Bernard & created by Dany Boon?

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A Belge-Francophobe customs officer is forced to team up with a Frenchman during the elimination of the Franco-Belge borders in the 90s.
Its release date is Wednesday December 15, 2010

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Genre Comedy
Country France
Director Dany Boon
Starring Benoît Poelvoorde, Christel Pedrinelli, Dany Boon & Julie Bernard
Place France
Time 1990s
Location France
Written by Dany Boon (scenario and dialogue) & Yaël Boon (collaboration)
Cinematography Pierre Aïm
Music Stéphane Reichart
Runtime 108 min

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