Movies like Now is Good to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Now is Good with Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Kaya Scodelario & Olivia Williams & created by Ol Parker?

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A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of things she'd like to do before passing away. Topping the list is her desire to lose her virginity.

TAGLINE: "Live every moment, love every minute"

Its release date is Friday May 25, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Young Adult Novel, Bucket List, Cancer, Death & Grieving, Dysfunctional Families, Teen Drama, Teenager & Virginity
Genre Drama & Romance
Country France, The United States & United Kingdom
Director Ol Parker
Starring Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Kaya Scodelario & Olivia Williams
Place Brighton
Location Buckinghamshire
Written by Jenny Downham (based on the book "Before I Die" by) & Ol Parker
Cinematography Erik Wilson
Music Dustin O'Halloran
Runtime 103 min

Other Drama movies by Ol Parker

Imagine Me and You | Feb 1st, 2005

Imagine Me and You
6.8/10 | By Ol Parker
Germany & United Kingdom | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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