Movies like Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows with Dougie Baldwin, Joel Lok, Matt Testro & Rahart Adams & created by David Caesar?

Movies like Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows?

Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows picks up a year after the boys crossed dimensions, discovered magic and battled the restoring demon. Having grown apart, they are drawn together again when...
Its release date is Friday January 1, 2016

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Genre Science Fiction
Country Australia
Director David Caesar
Starring Dougie Baldwin, Joel Lok, Matt Testro & Rahart Adams
Written by Craig Irvin, Rhys Graham, Tony Ayres & Tony Ayres (created by)
Cinematography Jaems Grant
Music Cornel Wilczek
Runtime 80 min