Movies like Nowhere in Moravia to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Nowhere in Moravia with Ivan Trojan, Johanna Tesařová, Lenka Krobotová & Tatiana Vilhelmová & created by Miroslav Krobot?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Nowhere in Moravia?
German teacher Maruna runs the local pub. It doesn't look like she'll ever get married, since there aren't many suitable men in her small village. But one day, something unexpected happens here, Nowhere in Moravia.
Its release date is Thursday July 24, 2014
Its release date is Thursday July 24, 2014
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Alcoholism, Mayor, Murder, Nurse, Older Man Younger Woman Relationship, parent child relationship, Rape & Sibling Relationship |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country | Czech Republic |
Director | Miroslav Krobot |
Starring | Ivan Trojan, Johanna Tesařová, Lenka Krobotová & Tatiana Vilhelmová |
Written by | Lubomír Smékal & Miroslav Krobot |
Runtime | 102 min |