Movies like Nutty Professor II: The Klumps to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Fantasy & Romance movie Nutty Professor II: The Klumps with Eddie Murphy, Janet Jackson, John Ales & Larry Miller & created by Peter Segal?

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Scientist Sherman Klump's inventions, his upcoming marriage to his pretty colleague Denise Gaines and his reputation are threatened by his evil clone Buddy Love.

TAGLINE: "The Klumps are back!"

Its release date is Thursday July 27, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alter-ego, Dean, Duringcreditsstinger, Dysfunctional Families, Family, Mad scientist & Research Laboratory
Genre Comedy, Fantasy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Peter Segal
Starring Eddie Murphy, Janet Jackson, John Ales & Larry Miller
Location South Carolina
Written by Barry W. Blaustein (screenplay), Barry W. Blaustein (story), Chris Weitz (screenplay), David Sheffield (screenplay), David Sheffield (story), Jerry Lewis (characters), Paul Weitz (screenplay) & Steve Oedekerk (story)
Cinematography Dean Semler
Music David Newman (composer)
Runtime 106 min

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The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Romance
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5.4/10 | By Reginald Hudlin
The United States | Comedy & Romance
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