Movies like Olivia to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Horror movie Olivia with Amy Robinson, Jeff Winchester, JR, Robert Walker & Suzanna Love & created by Ulli Lommel?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Olivia?
An American engineer in London, who is helping to dismantle the London Bridge to be transported to Arizona, strikes up an acquaintanceship with a young British woman. Several years later he...
Its release date is Tuesday March 1, 1983
Its release date is Tuesday March 1, 1983
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Crime, Drama & Horror |
Country | Germany & The United States |
Director | Ulli Lommel |
Starring | Amy Robinson, Jeff Winchester, JR, Robert Walker & Suzanna Love |
Written by | John P. Marsh, Ron Norman & Ulli Lommel |
Runtime | 80 min |