Movies like Once a Gangster to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie Once a Gangster with Alex Fong Chung-Sun, Conroy Chan, Ekin Cheng & Michelle Ye Xuan & created by Felix Chong?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Once a Gangster?
(Cantonese with English Subtitles) In this hilarious triad movie parody, celebrity cook "Roast Pork" finds his idyllic life turn topsy-turvy when his old mentor comes out of nowhere and commands him to be the successor of his gang.
Its release date is Thursday May 20, 2010
Its release date is Thursday May 20, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Action, Comedy & Crime |
Country | Hong Kong |
Director | Felix Chong |
Starring | Alex Fong Chung-Sun, Conroy Chan, Ekin Cheng & Michelle Ye Xuan |
Place | Hong Kong |
Location | Hong Kong |
Written by | Felix Chong |
Cinematography | Davy Tsou |
Music | Ken Chan (composer) |
Runtime | 95 min |