Movies like One Crazy Cruise to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie One Crazy Cruise with Benjamin Flores Jr., Kira Kosarin, Rio Mangini & Sydney Park & created by Michael Grossman?

Movies like One Crazy Cruise with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of One Crazy Cruise?

A family goes on a cruise but not all is what it seems. The next day they wake up with no memories of last night, which gets them in a lot of trouble.
Its release date is Friday June 19, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy
Director Michael Grossman
Starring Benjamin Flores Jr., Kira Kosarin, Rio Mangini & Sydney Park
Written by Gregg Millman
Runtime 67 min

Other Comedy movies by Michael Grossman

Starstruck | Feb 14th, 2010

6.2/10 | By Michael Grossman
The United States | Comedy, Romance & TV Movie
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