Movies like Ordet to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Ordet with Birgitte Federspiel, Ejner Federspiel, Emil Hass Christensen & Henrik Malberg & created by Carl Theodor Dreyer?

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Follows the lives of the Borgen family, as they deal with inner conflict, as well as religious conflict with each other, and the rest of the town.

TAGLINE: "A Legend for Today"

Its release date is Sunday January 9, 1955

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Topic Abortion, Faith, Independent Film, Pregnant Wife, Psychiatry, Religion, Religious Fundamentalist & Resurrection Fiction
Genre Drama
Country Denmark
Director Carl Theodor Dreyer
Starring Birgitte Federspiel, Ejner Federspiel, Emil Hass Christensen & Henrik Malberg
Written by Kaj Munk (play)
Cinematography Henning Bendtsen
Music Poul Schierbeck
Runtime 126 min

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6.8/10 | By Carl Theodor Dreyer & Ulrich Seidl
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Day of Wrath | Sep 13th, 1943

Day of Wrath
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Gertrud | Dec 19th, 1964

7.5/10 | By Carl Theodor Dreyer
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