Movies like Ossessione to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Romance movie Ossessione with Clara Calamai, Dhia Cristiani, Elio Marcuzzo & Massimo Girotti & created by Luchino Visconti?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ossessione?

Gino, a drifter, begins an affair with inn-owner Giovanna as they plan to get rid of her older husband.
Its release date is Sunday May 16, 1943

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Topic Adultery, Based On Novel Or Book, Country House, Daily Life, Italian, Italy, Milieu & Province
Genre Crime, Drama & Romance
Country Italy
Director Luchino Visconti
Starring Clara Calamai, Dhia Cristiani, Elio Marcuzzo & Massimo Girotti
Written by Gianni Puccini (scenario & dialogue), Giuseppe De Santis (scenario & dialogue), Luchino Visconti (scenario & dialogue) & Mario Alicata (scenario & dialogue)
Runtime 140 min