Movies like Paharganj to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Mystery movie Paharganj with Bijesh Jayarajan, Lorena Franco, Neet Chowdhary & Rajeev Gaursingh & created by Rakesh Ranjan Kumar?

Movies like Paharganj with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Paharganj?

Coming from the streets of Paharganj, the movie depicts a woman's search for her lost love, a man's attempt to regain his lost enigma and dealing with his brother's untimely death, an unexpected political murder, and raging gang war.

TAGLINE: "Delhi! Where Is My Robert"

Its release date is Friday April 12, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama & Mystery
Country India
Director Rakesh Ranjan Kumar
Starring Bijesh Jayarajan, Lorena Franco, Neet Chowdhary & Rajeev Gaursingh
Written by Dheeraj Virmani, Hanuman Prasad Rai & Rakesh Ranjan Kumar
Runtime 108 min