Movies like Painted Fire to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Painted Fire with Ahn Sung-Ki, Choi Min-sik, Kim Yeo-jin & Yoo Ho-jeong & created by Kwon-taek Im?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Painted Fire?

In a time of political and social unrest in nineteenth-century Korea, an uncouth, self-taught painter explores his natural talent amidst the repressive world around him.
Its release date is Friday May 10, 2002

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Topic Biographical Artists, Biopic & Cannibalism Fiction
Genre Drama & History
Country South Korea
Director Kwon-taek Im
Starring Ahn Sung-Ki, Choi Min-sik, Kim Yeo-jin & Yoo Ho-jeong
Place Castles, England, Joseon Dynasty, London & Northumberland
Time 19th Century, 2000 & 2020
Location County Wicklow & Incheon
Written by Byung-sam Min, Kwon-taek Im & Yong-ok Kim
Cinematography Adrian Biddle & Jeong Il seong
Music Brad Wagner & Kim Yong dong
Runtime 120 min

Other Drama movies by Kwon-taek Im

Mandala | Sep 12th, 1981

7.3/10 | By Kwon-taek Im
South Korea | Drama
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General’s Son | Jun 9th, 1990

General’s Son
6.8/10 | By Kwon-taek Im
South Korea | Action, Crime & Drama

Come, Come, Come Upward | Apr 1st, 1989

Come, Come, Come Upward
7.0/10 | By Kwon-taek Im
South Korea | Drama
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