Movies like Papy fait de la résistance to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & War movie Papy fait de la résistance with Christian Clavier, Gérard Jugnot, Martin Lamotte & Michel Galabru & created by Jean-Marie Poiré?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Papy fait de la résistance?

Bourdelle, a family of musicians, refuse to play for Germans during the war. They would like to liberate France using all possible means.

TAGLINE: "Le film qui a coûté plus cher que le débarquement!"

Its release date is Wednesday October 26, 1983

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Topic French Resistance
Genre Comedy & War
Country France
Director Jean-Marie Poiré
Starring Christian Clavier, Gérard Jugnot, Martin Lamotte & Michel Galabru
Written by Christian Clavier (based on an original story by), Christian Clavier (scenario and dialogue), Jean-Marie Poiré (scenario and dialogue), Martin Lamotte (based on an original story by) & Martin Lamotte (scenario and dialogue)
Runtime 102 min

Other Comedy movies by Jean-Marie Poiré

Men Prefer Fat Girls | Aug 19th, 1981

Men Prefer Fat Girls
4.8/10 | By Jean-Marie Poiré
France | Comedy
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The Visitors | Jan 27th, 1993

The Visitors
7.0/10 | By Elia Kazan & Jean-Marie Poiré
France | Comedy, Fantasy & Science Fiction
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