Movies like Parasite to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie Parasite with Demi Moore, James Davidson, Luca Bercovici & Robert Glaudini & created by Charles Band?

Movies like Parasite with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Parasite?

Paul Dean has created a deadly parasite that is now attached to his stomach. He and his female companion, Patricia Welles, must find a way to destroy it while also trying to avoid Ricus, ...

TAGLINE: "You will not feel the terror until you experience the movie!"

Its release date is Friday March 12, 1982

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dystopia
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Charles Band
Starring Demi Moore, James Davidson, Luca Bercovici & Robert Glaudini
Place Future
Time 1990s
Written by Alan J. Adler, Frank Levering & Michael Shoob
Runtime 85 min

Other Horror movies by Charles Band

The Creeps | Dec 16th, 1997

The Creeps
4.2/10 | By Charles Band
The United States | Comedy, Horror & Science Fiction
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