Movies like Paths of Glory to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & War movie Paths of Glory with Adolphe Menjou, George Macready, Kirk Douglas & Ralph Meeker & created by Stanley Kubrick?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Paths of Glory?

After refusing to attack an enemy position, a general accuses the soldiers of cowardice and their commanding officer must defend them.

TAGLINE: "It explodes in the no-man's land no picture ever dared cross before!"

Its release date is Wednesday September 18, 1957

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anti War World War I, Army, Capital Punishment, Cowardice, France, General, Germany, Patriotism, Song & World War I
Genre Drama & War
Country The United States
Director Stanley Kubrick
Starring Adolphe Menjou, George Macready, Kirk Douglas & Ralph Meeker
Place France
Time 1916
Location Bavaria
Written by Calder Willingham (screenplay), Humphrey Cobb (based on the novel "Paths of Glory" by), Jim Thompson (screenplay) & Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)
Cinematography Georg Krause
Music Gerald Fried
Runtime 88 min

Other Drama movies by Stanley Kubrick

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Full Metal Jacket
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Lolita | Jun 13th, 1962

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Other Drama movies written by Calder Willingham (screenplay)

The Graduate | Dec 21st, 1967

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8.0/10 | By Mike Nichols
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Rambling Rose | Sep 10th, 1991

Rambling Rose
6.7/10 | By Martha Coolidge
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