Movies like Peace Hotel to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie Peace Hotel with Cecilia Yip, Chin Ho, Chow Yun-fat & Lau Shun & created by Ka-Fai Wai?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Peace Hotel?

A retired old west killer sets up a hotel for vagrants and wayward souls called Peace Hotel. When a woman with a gang on her tail attempts to hide there the owner of the hotel must revert to his old ways to protect his hotel.

TAGLINE: "Solitude is not Peace. Killer is the Protector"

Its release date is Wednesday April 12, 1995

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Genre Action
Country Hong Kong
Director Ka-Fai Wai
Starring Cecilia Yip, Chin Ho, Chow Yun-fat & Lau Shun
Written by Ka-Fai Wai & Yun-Fat Chow (story)
Runtime 89 min