Movies like Peking Opera Blues to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Comedy movie Peking Opera Blues with Brigitte Lin, Cherie Chung, Mark Cheng & Sally Yeh & created by Hark Tsui?

Movies like Peking Opera Blues with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Peking Opera Blues?

The movie is set in chaotic 1920's China, when warlords fought each other for power while Sun Yat-Sen's underground movement tried to establish a democratic republic. The movie tells the ...
Its release date is Saturday September 6, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cultural Revolution & Peking Opera
Genre Action & Comedy
Country Hong Kong
Director Hark Tsui
Starring Brigitte Lin, Cherie Chung, Mark Cheng & Sally Yeh
Place Beijing
Time 1910s
Written by Raymond To
Cinematography Poon Hang Seng
Music James Wong (lyricist)
Runtime 104 min

Other Action movies by Hark Tsui

The Master | May 29th, 1992

The Master
5.8/10 | By Hark Tsui
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Double Team | Apr 4th, 1997

Double Team
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A Chinese Ghost Story III | Jul 18th, 1991

A Chinese Ghost Story III
6.8/10 | By Ching Siu tung, Hark Tsui & Siu-Tung Ching
Hong Kong | Action, Comedy & Horror
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