Movies like Peking Opera Blues to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Comedy movie Peking Opera Blues with Brigitte Lin, Cherie Chung, Mark Cheng & Sally Yeh & created by Hark Tsui?
Movies like Peking Opera Blues with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Peking Opera Blues?
The movie is set in chaotic 1920's China, when warlords fought each other for power while Sun Yat-Sen's underground movement tried to establish a democratic republic. The movie tells the ...
Its release date is Saturday September 6, 1986
Its release date is Saturday September 6, 1986
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Cultural Revolution & Peking Opera |
Genre | Action & Comedy |
Country | Hong Kong |
Director | Hark Tsui |
Starring | Brigitte Lin, Cherie Chung, Mark Cheng & Sally Yeh |
Place | Beijing |
Time | 1910s |
Written by | Raymond To |
Cinematography | Poon Hang Seng |
Music | James Wong (lyricist) |
Runtime | 104 min |
Other Action movies by Hark Tsui
Double Team | Apr 4th, 1997
4.7/10 | By Hark Tsui & Tsui Hark
The United States | Action & Science Fiction
A Chinese Ghost Story III | Jul 18th, 1991
6.8/10 | By Ching Siu tung, Hark Tsui & Siu-Tung Ching
Hong Kong | Action, Comedy & Horror