Movies like Peppermint to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Peppermint with Alexandros Mylonas, Georges Corraface, Giorgos Gerontidakis-Sempetadelis & Tasos Palatzidis & created by Costas Kapakas?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Peppermint?

Stefanos is a man at his 40's who has inherited a fortune from his mother's aunt. One day Manolis, his schoolmate, calls him and invites him to a party featuring an old friends' reunion. ...
Its release date is Friday January 1, 1999

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Country Bulgaria & Greece
Director Costas Kapakas
Starring Alexandros Mylonas, Georges Corraface, Giorgos Gerontidakis-Sempetadelis & Tasos Palatzidis
Written by Costas Kapakas
Cinematography Giannis Daskalothanasis
Music Panagiotis Kalatzopoulos
Runtime 105 min