Movies like Perfect Strangers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Perfect Strangers with Belén Rueda, Dafne Fernández, Eduardo Noriega & Juana Acosta & created by Álex de la Iglesia & James Foley (director)?

Movies like Perfect Strangers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Perfect Strangers?

Seven friends gather for dinner and decide to play a game in which all incoming messages and calls will be on display for the entire group, leading to a series of revelations that gradually unravels their 'normal' lives.

TAGLINE: "We all have a secret life"

Its release date is Friday December 1, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Comedy, Drama & Journalists
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country Spain
Director Álex de la Iglesia & James Foley (director)
Starring Belén Rueda, Dafne Fernández, Eduardo Noriega & Juana Acosta
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by Álex de la Iglesia (screenplay), Filippo Bologna (based on the movie written by), Jorge Guerricaechevarría (screenplay), Paola Mammini (based on the movie written by), Paolo Costella (based on the movie written by), Paolo Genovese (based on the movie written by) & Rolando Ravello (based on the movie written by)
Cinematography Anastas N. Michos & Fabrizio Lucci
Music Antonio Pinto (composer) & Maurizio Filardo
Runtime 97 min

Other Comedy movies by Álex de la Iglesia

My Big Night | Oct 23rd, 2015

My Big Night
6.0/10 | By Álex de la Iglesia
Spain | Comedy
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The Bar | Feb 15th, 2017

The Bar
6.4/10 | By Álex de la Iglesia
Argentina | Comedy, Horror & Thriller
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Other Comedy movies written by Álex de la Iglesia (screenplay)

The Day of the Beast | Oct 20th, 1995

The Day of the Beast
7.5/10 | By Álex de la Iglesia
Italy & Spain | Action, Comedy & Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube Fandor