Movies like Picnic on the Grass to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Picnic on the Grass with Catherine Rouvel, Fernand Sardou, Jacqueline Morane & Paul Meurisse & created by Jean Renoir?
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Etienne Alexis, a candidate for president of the new Europe, is a scientist promoting artificial insemination for social betterment and therapy to eliminate passion. His wealthy household (...
Its release date is Wednesday November 11, 1959
Its release date is Wednesday November 11, 1959
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country | France |
Director | Jean Renoir |
Starring | Catherine Rouvel, Fernand Sardou, Jacqueline Morane & Paul Meurisse |
Written by | Jean Renoir (scenario) |
Music | Joseph Kosma |
Runtime | 91 min |