Movies like Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation & Family movie Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life with Ikue Otani, Megumi Toyoguchi, Rica Matsumoto & Yūji Ueda & created by Kunihiko Yuyama?

Movies like Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life?

Arceus, creator of the world, comes to pass judgement on humanity for the theft of the Jewel of Life, but Ash Ketchum and his friends are sent back in time to discover and possible reverse the events that led to Arceus' vendetta.

TAGLINE: "A Tale Untold. A Legend Unleashed."

Its release date is Saturday July 18, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anime & Based On Video Game
Genre Adventure, Animation & Family
Country Japan
Director Kunihiko Yuyama
Starring Ikue Otani, Megumi Toyoguchi, Rica Matsumoto & Yūji Ueda
Written by Hideki Sonoda, Junichi Masuda & Ken Sugimori
Runtime 95 min

Other Adventure movies by Kunihiko Yuyama

Pokémon: The Movie 2000 | Jul 17th, 1999

Pokémon: The Movie 2000
6.0/10 | By Kunihiko Yuyama & Michael Haigney
Japan | Adventure, Animation & Fantasy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes

Other Adventure movies written by Hideki Sonoda