Movies like Porky’s 3: Revenge to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Porky’s 3: Revenge with Dan Monahan, Mark Herrier, Tony Ganios & Wyatt Knight & created by James Komack?

Movies like Porky’s 3: Revenge with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Porky’s 3: Revenge?

As graduation nears for the class of 1955 at Angel Beach High, the gang once again faces off against their old enemy, Porky, who wants them to throw the school's championship basketball game because he's betting on the opposing team.

TAGLINE: "The final conflict"

Its release date is Friday March 22, 1985

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Topic Misadventure, Student & Teenager
Genre Comedy
Country Canada
Director James Komack
Starring Dan Monahan, Mark Herrier, Tony Ganios & Wyatt Knight
Place Florida
Time 1950s
Location Florida
Written by Bob Clark (characters) & Ziggy Steinberg
Runtime 92 min