Movies like Prem Qaidi to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Romance movie Prem Qaidi with Dalip Tahil, Harish Kumar, Karisma Kapoor & Shafi Inamdar & created by K. Muralimohana Rao?

Movies like Prem Qaidi with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Prem Qaidi?

A teenage couple fall in love, but their relationship is opposed by the girl's father because the boy is not from a wealthy family.
Its release date is Friday June 21, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action & Romance
Country India
Director K. Muralimohana Rao
Starring Dalip Tahil, Harish Kumar, Karisma Kapoor & Shafi Inamdar
Place Prison
Written by N/A
Runtime 156 min

Other Action movies written by N/A

Ulkuthu | Dec 29th, 2017

6.1/10 | By Caarthick Raju
India | Action, Comedy & Romance
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