Movies like Prince Avalanche to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Prince Avalanche with Emile Hirsch, Joyce Payne, Lance LeGault & Paul Rudd & created by David Gordon Green?

Movies like Prince Avalanche with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Prince Avalanche?

Two highway road workers spend the summer of 1988 away from their city lives. The isolated landscape becomes a place of misadventure as the men find themselves at odds with each other and the women they left behind.
Its release date is Wednesday February 13, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Boom Box, Camping, Co-worker, Highway, Rural Setting, Tent, Truck & Truck Driver
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director David Gordon Green
Starring Emile Hirsch, Joyce Payne, Lance LeGault & Paul Rudd
Time 1980s
Location Texas
Written by David Gordon Green & Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson (based on the film "Either Way")
Cinematography Tim Orr
Music Jo Yeong wook
Runtime 94 min

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