Movies like Quilombo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Quilombo with Antônio Pompêo, Maurício do Valle, Tony Tornado & Zezé Motta & created by Carlos Diegues?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Quilombo?

Palmares is a 17th-century quilombo, a settlement of escaped slaves in northeast Brazil. In 1650, plantation slaves revolt and head for the mountains where they find others led by the aged ...
Its release date is Sunday June 3, 1984

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Topic Brazilian Slavery & Revolutions
Genre Drama & History
Country France
Director Carlos Diegues
Starring Antônio Pompêo, Maurício do Valle, Tony Tornado & Zezé Motta
Time 1650s, 1660s, 1670s, 1680s & 1690s
Written by Carlos Diegues, Décio Freitas (book) & João Felicio dos Santos (novel)
Runtime 114 min