Movies like Rakka to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Science Fiction movie Rakka with Carly Pope, Eugene Khumbanyiwa, Robert Hobbs & Sigourney Weaver & created by Neill Blomkamp?
Movies like Rakka with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rakka?
A tale of a dystopian future where an unknown alien group have colonised the earth and humans struggle to fight back.
Its release date is Wednesday June 14, 2017
A tale of a dystopian future where an unknown alien group have colonised the earth and humans struggle to fight back.
Its release date is Wednesday June 14, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Alien Invasions, Experimental & Short |
Genre | Action & Science Fiction |
Country | Canada |
Director | Neill Blomkamp |
Starring | Carly Pope, Eugene Khumbanyiwa, Robert Hobbs & Sigourney Weaver |
Written by | Neill Blomkamp & Thomas Sweterlitsch |
Music | Lorne Balfe |
Runtime | 22 min |
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