Movies like Rambling Rose to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Rambling Rose with Diane Ladd, Laura Dern, Lukas Haas & Robert Duvall & created by Martha Coolidge?

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A young woman who exudes sexuality battles temptation.

TAGLINE: "Innocence has never been so seductive."

Its release date is Tuesday September 10, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Coming Of Age, Georgia, Great Depression, House Guest, Love, Prostitute, Sexuality, Trouble & Woman Director
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Martha Coolidge
Starring Diane Ladd, Laura Dern, Lukas Haas & Robert Duvall
Place Georgia (U.S. State)
Time 1930s
Location North Carolina
Written by Calder Willingham (book) & Calder Willingham (screenplay)
Cinematography Johnny E. Jensen
Music Elmer Bernstein
Runtime 112 min

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Lost in Yonkers
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Angie | Mar 4th, 1994

5.4/10 | By Martha Coolidge
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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