Movies like Rasmus and the Vagabond to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & Family movie Rasmus and the Vagabond with Allan Edwall, Erik Lindgren, Håkan Serner & Olof Bergström & created by Olle Hellbom?
Movies like Rasmus and the Vagabond with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rasmus and the Vagabond?
Rasmus lives at an orphanage. He's OK, but wants a mom and a dad, and from time to time some comes to find a child, but they always chose little girls curls. Rasmus realizes he has to run away and find parents himself.
Its release date is Saturday December 12, 1981
Rasmus lives at an orphanage. He's OK, but wants a mom and a dad, and from time to time some comes to find a child, but they always chose little girls curls. Rasmus realizes he has to run away and find parents himself.
Its release date is Saturday December 12, 1981
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Homeless Person |
Genre | Adventure, Drama & Family |
Country | Sweden |
Director | Olle Hellbom |
Starring | Allan Edwall, Erik Lindgren, Håkan Serner & Olof Bergström |
Time | 1910 |
Written by | Astrid Lindgren |
Music | Björn Isfält |
Runtime | 105 min |