Movies like Rebecca to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Mystery movie Rebecca with George Sanders, Joan Fontaine, Judith Anderson & Laurence Olivier & created by Alfred Hitchcock?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rebecca?

A self-conscious bride is tormented by the memory of her husband's dead first wife.

TAGLINE: "The shadow of this woman darkened their love."

Its release date is Friday April 12, 1940

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Age Difference, Based On Book, based on novel, Bride, Cornwall, Love, Monte Carlo, Obsession, Remarriage, Secret & Widowhood
Genre Drama & Mystery
Country The United States
Director Alfred Hitchcock
Starring George Sanders, Joan Fontaine, Judith Anderson & Laurence Olivier
Place Cornwall & Country Houses
Written by Daphne Du Maurier (celebrated novel), Joan Harrison (screen play), Michael Hogan (adaptation), Philip MacDonald (adaptation) & Robert E. Sherwood (screen play)
Cinematography George Barnes (cinematographer)
Music Franz Waxman
Runtime 130 min

Other Drama movies by Alfred Hitchcock

Notorious | Aug 15th, 1946

8.0/10 | By Alfred Hitchcock & George Tillman Jr.
The United States | Drama, Romance & Thriller
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Rear Window | Aug 1st, 1954

Rear Window
8.5/10 | By Alfred Hitchcock
The United States | Drama, Mystery & Thriller
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The Skin Game | Feb 26th, 1931

The Skin Game
5.8/10 | By Alfred Hitchcock
United Kingdom | Drama
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