Movies like Ride with the Devil to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Romance & War movie Ride with the Devil with Jeffrey Wright, Jewel, Skeet Ulrich & Tobey Maguire & created by Ang Lee?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ride with the Devil?

During the American Civil War, two friends join the Bushwhackers, a militant group loyal to the Confederacy.

TAGLINE: "In a No-man's Land between North and South, You didn't fight for the Blue or the Grey... You fought for your friends and family."

Its release date is Wednesday November 24, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Civil War, American Slavery, Bush Whacker, Civil War, Friends, Race Ethnicity & Raid
Genre Drama, Romance & War
Country The United States
Director Ang Lee
Starring Jeffrey Wright, Jewel, Skeet Ulrich & Tobey Maguire
Place Missouri
Time 1860s
Location Kansas & Missouri
Written by Daniel Woodrell (novel) & James Schamus (screenplay)
Cinematography Frederick Elmes
Music Mychael Danna
Runtime 138 min

Other Drama movies by Ang Lee

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Gemini Man
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Taking Woodstock
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The Ice Storm
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Other Drama movies written by Daniel Woodrell (novel)

Winter’s Bone | Jun 11th, 2010

Winter’s Bone
7.2/10 | By Debra Granik
The United States | Drama
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