Movies like Ringu 0 to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Ringu 0 with Kumiko Asou, Seiichi Tanabe, Yoshiko Tanaka & Yukie Nakama & created by Norio Tsuruta?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ringu 0?
In this prequel to Ring, a young Sadako becomes an actress in hopes of escaping her troubled past. But strange visions and terrifying powers begin to manifest...
Its release date is Saturday January 22, 2000
Its release date is Saturday January 22, 2000
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Dying And Death, Journalist, Killer, Parapsychology, Prequel, Telekinesis, Theatre Group & Wizard |
Genre | Horror |
Country | Japan |
Director | Norio Tsuruta |
Starring | Kumiko Asou, Seiichi Tanabe, Yoshiko Tanaka & Yukie Nakama |
Time | 1968 |
Written by | Hiroshi Takahashi (screenplay) & Kôji Suzuki (novel) |
Cinematography | Takahide Shibanushi |
Music | Shinichiro Ogata |
Runtime | 99 min |