Movies like Ringu 2 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Ringu 2 with Fumiyo Kohinata, Hitomi Satô, Kyoko Fukada & Miki Nakatani & created by Hideo Nakata?

Movies like Ringu 2 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ringu 2?

Reiko takes Yoichi into hiding when her son begins to display frightening powers. Meanwhile, Mai Takano and the authorities begin a desperate search for them, as the mysterious Ring curse spreads...
Its release date is Saturday January 23, 1999

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Topic Asylum, Cameras Fiction, Curse, Curses, Female Corpse, Psychic Powers, Sequel & Videotape
Genre Horror
Country Japan
Director Hideo Nakata
Starring Fumiyo Kohinata, Hitomi Satô, Kyoko Fukada & Miki Nakatani
Written by Hiroshi Takahashi (screenplay) & Kôji Suzuki (novel)
Runtime 95 min

Other Horror movies by Hideo Nakata

Don’t Look Up | Jan 1st, 1996

Don’t Look Up
6.3/10 | By Hideo Nakata
Japan | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Ringu | Jan 31st, 1998

7.3/10 | By Hideo Nakata
Japan | Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Dark Water | Jan 19th, 2002

Dark Water
6.7/10 | By Hideo Nakata
Japan | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandor

Other Horror movies written by Hiroshi Takahashi (screenplay)

Ringu 0 | Jan 22nd, 2000

Ringu 0
6.1/10 | By Norio Tsuruta
Japan | Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Don’t Look Up | Jan 1st, 1996

Don’t Look Up
6.3/10 | By Hideo Nakata
Japan | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Ringu | Jan 31st, 1998

7.3/10 | By Hideo Nakata
Japan | Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes