Movies like Ri¢hie Ri¢h to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Family movie Ri¢hie Ri¢h with Christine Ebersole, Edward Herrmann, John Larroquette & Macaulay Culkin & created by Donald Petrie?

Movies like Ri¢hie Ri¢h with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ri¢hie Ri¢h?

A rich young boy finds his family targeted in an inside job and must use his cunning to save them.

TAGLINE: "An adventure so big... even the world's richest kid can't afford to miss it!"

Its release date is Monday December 19, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Children, Family, Gluttony, Life Raft, Magnifying Glass, Private Airplane, Rubber Boat & Toothbrush
Genre Comedy & Family
Country The United States
Director Donald Petrie
Starring Christine Ebersole, Edward Herrmann, John Larroquette & Macaulay Culkin
Place Chicago
Location North Carolina
Written by Jim Jennewein (screenplay), Neil Tolkin (story) & Tom S. Parker (screenplay)
Cinematography Don Burgess (cinematographer)
Music Alan Silvestri
Runtime 95 min

Other Comedy movies by Donald Petrie

Little Italy | Aug 24th, 2018

Little Italy
5.7/10 | By Donald Petrie
Canada | Comedy & Romance
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Grumpy Old Men | Dec 25th, 1993

Grumpy Old Men
7.0/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Comedy
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Miss Congeniality | Dec 14th, 2000

Miss Congeniality
6.2/10 | By Donald Petrie
The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
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Other Comedy movies written by Jim Jennewein (screenplay)

Stay Tuned | Aug 14th, 1992

Stay Tuned
6.1/10 | By Peter Hyams
The United States | Comedy & Fantasy
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