Movies like Robin Hood to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation & Family movie Robin Hood with Brian Bedford, Pat Buttram, Peter Ustinov & Phil Harris & created by Wolfgang Reitherman?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Robin Hood?

The story of the legendary outlaw is portrayed with the characters as humanoid animals.

TAGLINE: "Meet Robin Hood and his MERRY MENagerie!"

Its release date is Thursday November 8, 1973

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Topic Animated Foxes, Animation, Forest, Fox, Hero, Outlaw, Outlaws, Right And Justice, Robin Hood & Thief
Genre Animation & Family
Country The United States
Director Wolfgang Reitherman
Starring Brian Bedford, Pat Buttram, Peter Ustinov & Phil Harris
Place England & Middle Ages
Written by David Michener (story sequences), Eric Cleworth (story sequences), Frank Thomas (story sequences), Julius Svendsen (story sequences), Ken Anderson (based on: character and story conceptions by), Ken Anderson (story sequences), Larry Clemmons (story) & Vance Gerry (story sequences)
Music George Bruns
Runtime 83 min

Other Animation movies by Wolfgang Reitherman

The Sword in the Stone | Dec 25th, 1963

The Sword in the Stone
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One Hundred and One Dalmatians
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The Aristocats | Dec 23rd, 1970

The Aristocats
7.1/10 | By Wolfgang Reitherman
The United States | Animation, Comedy & Family
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