Movies like Rock ‘n’ Roll High School Forever to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Rock ‘n’ Roll High School Forever with Corey Feldman, Evan Richards, Mary Woronov & Sarah Buxton & created by Deborah Brock?
Movies like Rock ‘n’ Roll High School Forever with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rock ‘n’ Roll High School Forever?
Those rambunctious kids are back in school and back in trouble in a smash sequel to the 1978 worldwide hit. Corey Feldman leads a rock and roll rally at Ronald Reagon High, but must triumph...
Its release date is Thursday May 23, 1991
Its release date is Thursday May 23, 1991
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Sequel & Woman Director |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | The United States |
Director | Deborah Brock |
Starring | Corey Feldman, Evan Richards, Mary Woronov & Sarah Buxton |
Time | 1980 |
Written by | Deborah Brock |
Cinematography | Dean Cundey |
Runtime | 95 min |