Movies like Rock’n Roll to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Music movie Rock’n Roll with Gilles Lellouche, Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard & Philippe Lefebvre & created by Guillaume Canet?

Movies like Rock’n Roll with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rock’n Roll?

Guillaume Canet is told by a young co-star that he's no longer Rock'n' Roll and can't sell films anymore. He then tries to prove her wrong and gets help from his girlfriend, Marion Cotillard.
Its release date is Wednesday February 15, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Actor, Actress, Couple, Director, Midlife Crisis, Plastic Surgery, Producer, Rock and Roll & Self Parody
Genre Comedy & Music
Country France
Director Guillaume Canet
Starring Gilles Lellouche, Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard & Philippe Lefebvre
Written by Guillaume Canet (dialogue), Guillaume Canet (screenplay), Philippe Lefebvre (dialogue), Philippe Lefebvre (screenplay), Rodolphe Lauga (dialogue) & Rodolphe Lauga (screenplay)
Cinematography Christophe Offenstein
Music Maxim Nucci
Runtime 123 min

Other Comedy movies by Guillaume Canet

Little White Lies | Oct 20th, 2010

Little White Lies
7.1/10 | By Guillaume Canet
France | Comedy & Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Nous finirons ensemble | May 1st, 2019

Nous finirons ensemble
N/A/10 | By Guillaume Canet
France | Comedy
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